Artisan Apps
Started programming when I was 14 and had my first programme published in a magazine (Sinclair ZX-80) when I was 15. Since then I have written, sold and consulted on pretty much every type of software you can imagine!

Frustrated as a Coach by not being able to find a Fitness platform that let me Coach clients as I wanted I decided to write my own.
The platform works for both Physiotherapists and Personal Trainers.
BitFitter is a simple proposition “Coach Better”. Coach the way you want, with the most flexible platform on the market.

Combining my expertise in sports coaching with my experience in software.
myRunningStuff evolved from a simple idea; offer products that I use myself to clients that I coach. Personal (unpaid) recommendation. Coupled with a simple insight “people want their stuff quickly”.
We turn around orders same day, and reply to messages within the hour. Simple things that make a huge difference.
Starting as a basic eBay seller we now run our own eComm site and are proud to serve a loyal and growing number of customers.

An online retail business that sets out to do a few things exceptionally well.
A highlight of my corporate career was running PROIV. And an opportunity to work truly globally.
A business transformation project. Working with a very talented team we drove unprecedented levels of profit, as wells as some very notable technical achievements.
Managing a client base spread across every continent and overseeing operations in the US, UK and AU was an opportunity to quickly build experience working in a global context.

Commercial Director – PROIV
PROIV a long established low-code platform with a global user base of corporate and ISV clients.
When everyone is saying “there’s an app for that” it’s clear that the Apple App Store represented a huge business opportunity.
I developed and launched a range of 12 associated apps including Sales Forecaster and Gross Margin Calculator. The later remaining in the Top 10 Financial Apps for three years.
In total, my portfolio enjoyed sales of over 250k paid downloads.

Launched iPhone Financial Apps
The iPhone changed everything and with it came the App Store.
n3w media was a small Milton Keynes collective of digital professionals. We challenged the norm and helped our clients make sense of a rapidly changing online world.
Partly executing projects and partly a consultancy. We created some early mobile marketing apps, built and hosted countless websites and ran courses on understanding Social Media.
I had the pleasure of speaking at many conferences and workshops.

Founded Digital Agency n3w media
A web design agency with a strong leaning towards social media campaigns & social PR.
Both a physical business operating hot air balloons and training pilots, but also a very early eBusiness.
Generating sales leads online for resale was a novel business model in 1998. But the idea caught on despite most people having to use the internet with a dial-up modem.

In the very early days of the World Wide Web, I started my first online business
A foray into sales, rapidly moving through the ranks and becoming a member of the Senior Leadership Team as Sales Director.
I found success through combining a deep understanding of technology with an ability to articulate the complex in a meaningful and understandable way.

Sales Director – Systems International
This is Timeline description, you can change me anytime click here
Employed as a CICS COBOL Programmer and my first employed role in a Corporate organisation. Mostly working on bespoke in-house applications , but also UNIPAY from Peterborough Software. Little did I know that more 20 years later I would be working for the new owners of Peterborough Software!
Adding COBOL to my existing skills in BASIC and Z80 Assembler

First Corporate Role
Working as a CICS COBOL Programmer in a large IBM Mainframe installation